Last updated: 4/3/2012
106 Avenue B, Southeast
Carrabelle, FL 32322
P. O. Box 0666
Carrabelle, FL 32322
Visit the Carrabelle History Museum located in the Old City Hall Building at 106 Avenue B, SE, ( behind the BP station on US 98). The museum is located in the Old Carrabelle City Hall built in 1933 as project of the Works Progress Administration (WPA) by local mason Marvin Justiss. The museum has 4 rooms to display its collections. a workroom/office for the volunteers to process the incoming artifacts and a nice long hallway for special displays.
We strive to preserve, safekeep and share the colorful and diverse history of the City of Carrabelle and Franklin County, Florida. Operated by the Carrabelle Historical Society in the old City Hall building constructed as a WPA project in 1933.
The Carrabelle History Museum is a project of the local non-profit organization, Carrabelle CARES. It started as an idea of the Carrabelle Waterfront Partnership found in "Charting the Course for the Carrabelle Waterfront: A Vision Plan. It is sponsored by the Carrabelle History Society and the City of Carrabelle with support from the Franklin County Tourist Development Council with a community partnership from the Franklin County Public Library. It opened in April of 2009. It is staffed by volunteers and funded through donations, memberships and grants.
Native indian relics from the period from 150 to 900 AD, civil war, the USS Tarpon, city government artifacts, local treasures and heroes, work and family life collections.
Carrabelle Historical Preservation and Architectural Survey 2009, Carrabelle High School yearbooks,, local genology and photos.
gallery tours, lectures on a variety of historical topics quarterly, small displays at local events
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars
Appointment required: True
Building is used for receptions, lectures and demonstrations of local crafts.
Survey of the Archaeology and Architecture of the City of Carrabelle, Historic Florida Consulting, 2008. Excellent professional document highlithing the history of Carrabelle from complex native cultures dating back thousands of years. Filled with photos and maps. Featuring the facinating archaeology and architecture that makes Carrabelle unique. Cost $20.00
Building is used for receptions, lectures and demonstrations of local crafts
Gift Shop
Event Rental
Group Tours
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