Last updated: 8/11/2014
728 Portsmouth
Portsmouth, NH 03802
Box 728
Portsmouth, NH 03802
Sabdra Rux
phone: 603-436-8420
Maryellen Burke
phone: 603-436-8433
Laura Calhour
phone: 603-436-8433
1. The John Paul Jones House Museum commemorating the naval hero's stay in Portsmouth while awaiting the completion of his ship, "Ranger" as well as exhibits that tell the stories of Portsmouth including the 1905 Portsmouth Peace Treaty.
2. The Discover Portsmouth Center, a free information center that serves as a gateway to Seacoast NH arts, culture and history. Season for both sites is May-October. Admission charged at John Paul Jones House Museum, open 7 days 11-5. Free admission to Discover Portsmouth Center and changing exhibits, open 7 days 10-5.
Books, papers and artifacts related to Portsmouth NH history, 1630 ti the present.
Grade school teacher and student programs, docent training, gallery talks and tours, special events.
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars, Staff Only, Members
Appointment required: False
Gift Shop
Event Rental
Group Tours
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