Last updated: 1/13/2012
Star Route 1
Earlimart, CA 93219
Star Route 1, Box 148
Earlimart, CA 93219
Jerelyn Oliveira
phone: 661-849-3433
Steve Ptomey
phone: 661-849-3433
Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park represents the only township in California founded, planned, built, and goverend by African Americans. Founded in 1908 the town thrived until its slow decline starting in 1918. 22 house museams make up the core of the 970 acres set aside to preserve this unique part of California History.
Established as a State Historic Park in 1974. Formaly listed on the National Registar of Historic Places.
Objects from everyday life, in the agricultural center of California from 1908-1918.
Guided tours on regular days by Park Staff.
Special Events by Docents in period attire.
Lantern Light Ghost Tours once per quarter.
Stargazing during summer months.
For more information go to WWW.Parks.CA.Gov
Access: Scholars
Appointment required: True
The park has a visitor center and tours are available by making arrangements with the park in advance.
Gift Shop
Event Rental
Group Tours
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