Last updated: 6/20/2010
41745 Rider Way #2
Temecula, CA 92590
Laura Duke
Lind Haas
Dawn Dietrich
Pat Conklin
The Children’s Peace Exhibit is a rotating exhibit which changes several times a year. The purpose of the exhibit is to educate others as to the plight of children worldwide and ways in which each one of us can make a difference. It has interactive stations as well as fantastic artwork. Some exhibits are from other museums around the country displaying a refugee camp, the Holocaust, child soldiers and other child rights challenges rarely seen or talked about.
Please visit our website for more information about our exhibts and programs.
Institute for Children’s Aid (ICA) DBA began in 1990 with its principle office in California. ICA was built on the foundation of Hospitality and Sanctuary seeking to be a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves believing that all life is sacred.
The Council on Accrediation as authorized by the United States Department of State has granted ICA Hague Accreditation. Also, The State of California Department of Social Services has licensed ICA by Community Care Licensing.
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