Last updated: 5/13/2011
215 Canal Street
Pueblo, CO 81004
The Steelworks Museum of Industry and Culture will eventually be housed in the beautiful mission style building that served as the headquarters for the Colorado Fuel and Iron Corporation in Pueblo, CO. The Bessemer Historical Society purchased this building along with three others and is currently working to preserve and remodel the buildings. The main building was added to the National Register of Historic Places on June 6, 2002, and in on October 14, 2008 the site was raised to the National Level of Significance.
The Steelworks Museum of Industry and Culture features exhibits related to all facets of the CF&I, including but not limited to history of mining, labor history, history of steel production, railroad history, and history of Pueblo and Colorado and the CF&I's impact on the region. The Main Exhibit Hall is sponsored by the Pueblo Rotary Club Number 43.
To provide continuing education to the public through the preservation of the archives, artifacts and historic office complex of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company (CF&I).
In January 2003 the organization received the donation of the vast archives of the Colorado Fuel & Iron Company, from Rocky Mountain Steel Mills, a division of Evraz Oregon Steel. The CF&I Archives include 6,000 cubic feet of material including photographs, films, maps and drawings, ledgers, and internal publications. Other records document CF&I’s steel production, iron and coal mining, labor relations, land and water resources, employee records, invoices and work orders, executive memoranda, correspondence, and much more. The archive collection documents every aspect of the company’s rich history.
Research is conducted by appointment only Monday-Friday. Research inquires and appointments can be made by contacting the archives staff (719) 564-9086 or
The museum offers a one-of-a-kind teaching resource and educational experience for students and teachers. Programs are specially designed to meet and exceed Colorado State Education Standards. Guided tours of the museum incorporate hands-on activities for students, as well as worksheets and associated materials for classroom use.
Programming is designed to be appropriate for student age groups. Scholarships for gas costs associated with bus transportation are available to schools, through the generosity of local business owners.
Staff are also happy to give presentations to groups, clubs or organizations relating to various CF&I related topics.
Contact the museum at (719) 564-9086 for more information about bus transportation scholarships and discounted group admission fees.
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