Last updated: 11/20/2022
700 Hobbs Highway
Seminole, TX 79360
Sally Davis
phone: 432-955-1016
Vicki Smith
The Gaines County Museum is a history museum that is striving to capture the history of Gaines County, Texas, by telling and showing the story of the five distinct cultures that have impacted the development and history of Gaines County since the arrival of its first indigenous visitors.
The Seminole Museum was organized in 1976 and opened its doors to the public July 4, 1976.
The museum houses an excellent pre-Aztec civilizations collection; an outstanding collections of typewriter and business machines, kachina dolls, barbed wire, and vintage photographic equipment, as well as a display of a Norden Bombsight, one of World War II's most highly guarded secrets.
Between April and September, the Gaines COunty Museum provides museum tours for grades one through eight for public and private schools and home-schooled children. Tours are also arranged for out-of-town groups by reservation. The purpose is to tell the story of the history of Gaines County people. Staff and docents of our Friends of the Gaines County Museum Seminole Division, Inc. conduct the tours. Upon conclusion of the tours, local companies provide refreshments for the children and adults.
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars, Members
Appointment required: False
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