Last updated: 1/30/2012
203 East Main Street
Scio, OH 43988
90151 Kilgore Rd.
Scio, OH 43988
Dee Ann Horstman,
phone: 740-945-2172
A large, three story, yellow brick home on Main Street in Scio, Ohio houses collections from the Scio High School, and Jewett-Scio High School pictures, Scio's famous persons, hat collection, Gen. George Custer, Civil War items,
vintage clothes, machines of the past, and historic reference material.
The Scio Historical Museum, preserves local history and promotes its research and development through guided tours and open hours for public use.
The museum was founded by the Scio Development Committee, Inc. Its collections have been purchased or donated by local citizens. It has the only collection and history of Scio Pottery dishes, books, and memorbilia.
Veterans' collections from Spanish American War, Civil War, World War I, World War II, Korean War, Persian Gulf War.
Scio College Collections
Scio Oil Boom
local historical reference
High school year books
High school class pictures
Scio College year books and class lists
Scrapbooks on area history
Veterans' collections
Guided Tours with curator provided upon request.
The Scio Development Committee, Inc
Access: General Public
Appointment required: True
Guided Tours with curator provided upon request.
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