Updated: 1/28/2022
The Millstream Classic Car Museum is collection of about 50 restored cars and about 50 additional unrestored cars. The museum includes vehicles dating from a 1912 Model T Ford to vehicles from the 60's 70's and 80's that are already considered classics. There is also a considerable number of "orphan" cars--cars that are no longer made. There are Hudsons, Nashes, Packards, and even little known cars such as a Lloyd, a Kaiser, and even foreign cars such as a Yugo, a Renault, a Fiat, and a Citroen. There are cars that are extremely rare--an Amphicar, and cars that are extremely collectible and in demand--a 1957. 58 and 59 Ford hard top convertible and a 1955 and 1956 Ford Crown Victoria. This museum represents cars that the public actually drove and can affiliate with.
The Millstream Classic Car Museum got it's start in 1963 when T. Jackson Smith-the owner- received a Model A Ford for his 16 birthday. Back then, that wasn't considered a classic but was just a spare old family car sitting in the driveway. From that car a love of old classic cars began. That was the only car until about 1976 when a 1924 Model T was purchased. After that the collection grew and grew until it's present state. The Museum has received visitors from all over the world and received many during the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City.
Museum is open by appointment only. But there’s usually always someone around to take you through. So give us a call!
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