Last updated: 8/24/2010
300 W San Antonio Ave
El Paso, TX 79901
301 W Overland Ave
El Paso, TX 79901
Tuesday - Thursday, Saturday
10 AM - 6 PM
$10.00 for adults (12+ yrs)
$8.00 for students, seniors, military (ID req'd)
$6.00 for children (4-11 yrs)
free for babies 3 yrs and under
Deborah Chaney
phone: 915-533-4330
Aldo Leyva
phone: 915-533-4330
Lynx Exhibits is a privately owned museum that offers an exciting array of traveling exhibits to the El Paso community and it surrounding neighbors. We hope you find our selections and offerings intriguing, educational, fun and entertaining.
Lynx Exhibits offers an exciting array of traveling exhibitions to the El Paso community and it's surrounding neighbors. We strive to bring first-class exhibit opportunities at a reasonable price that reflects our culture, heritage and diversity. Expect to find offerings that are exciting, different and challenging.
Guided tour for groups by staff of
exhibits. Summer camps. TEKS alignments done on all exhibits.
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