Last updated: 1/16/2012
113 N 6th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85004
We offer the Rosson House as a glimpse of a specific moment in time. When in the house we want the visitor to feel like the family is just out of view. The room exhibits are set in a living history format with costumed interpreters leading the tours.
Attributed to Phoenix architect A. P. Petit, the Rosson House is the premier example of Victorian architecture in the style of Charles Eastlake. The house was entered in the National Register of Historic Places in 1971 and was named Arizona Heritage House in 1974.
In 1882 Mrs. Roland Rosson purchased Block 14 at 6th and Monroe Streets from her sister, Mrs. Margaret Richardson, for $1,000. The Rosson House, begun in late 1894, was built in six months at a cost of $7,525.
After surviving several owners and becoming a series of apartments, Rosson House was purchased by the City of Phoenix in 1975, restored and opened to the public in 1981.
Decorative Arts Textiles Historic Photographs & Postcards Paintings and Drawings.
We have a strong docent program, for a fee of 20$ you will be trained in the content of the museum, how to give tours, and you may attend all lectures for free. We also offer a variety of school tours ranging from a 30 minute tour of the Rosson House to a 3 hour tour including several hands on activities.
The Hands on Heritage House is our free education center in which we create a rotating display of turn of the century objects that children and adults are welcome to handle. The Hands on House education center is also the sight of our family programming titled Heritage Saturdays. This program is active every first Saturday and offers unique turn of the century craft making opportunities such as making quilt squares and home made ice cream to the public for free.
Access: Staff Only, Members
Appointment required: True
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