Last updated: 7/14/2008
401 W. Main Street
Denison, TX 75020
Sasha Best
phone: 903-463-5678
Teresa Scott
phone: 903-463-5678
Texoma Children's Museum provides larger than life imaginative adventures for the whole family. Located on historic Main Street in Denison Texas, TCM is unlike anything in this region. Focusing on providing constructive family experiences and fostering a joy for exploration - visitors can set sail on our large pirate ship, excavate bones in the DinoDig, take a ride on the MKT Histroy Express Train, dress up and put on a show ... and so much more!
After 2 years of traveling exhibits to educate and entertain the children of the Texoma region, the Museum opened doors to its home in January of 2008. Come visit, inspire imaginative adventures and remember the sheer joy of childhood!
A fossil collection - as well as a brief Texas Prehistory lesson.
Nautical and airborne military models.
Museum camps, classes and programs are available throughout the year.
Check the website for upcoming events.
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