Last updated: 10/3/2017
535 London Ave
Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215
535 London Ave.
Egg Harbor Cuty, NJ 08215
Mark W. Maxwell
Marie Johns
Geraldine Fenstermaker
Gary Mueller
Patricia A. Maxwell
Ron Hesse
Marjorie Hesse
We collect and preserve items related to the city's German heritage, from records and newspapers, items manufactured here, photographs and genealogy records, etc. Several permanent exhibits on the wine, boat and clothing industries as well as revolving displays of current interest.
Owned and operated by the Egg Harbor City Historical Society, Inc.
Founded in 1993, we occupy the last remaining building of Dr. Smith's Neutral Waters Health Spa built about 1905. A former "vapor house", it is on the state and National Registers of Historic Places.
Collection of city tax, cemetery and general records dating back to 1858; items from Dr. Smith's spa; local industry exhibits including wine, boats, cut-glass, clothing; education exhibits back to School #1(1876); German heritage such as beer, wine, music; local newspapers, new and old/English and German.
Collection of local genealogies, cemetery records, city tax (real estate, personal, dog etc.) Local newspapers from 1928 to present and many early papers and census records on microfilm, photographs from 1880s to present.
We provide tours for school-age students through the local Board of Education each year.
Access: General Public
Appointment required: False
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