Last updated: 1/8/2011
2628 North Columbia Street
Milledgeville, GA 31061
P.O. Box 947
Milledgeville, GA 31059
Craig R. Amason
phone: 478-454-4029
Andalusia has the potential to be one of the most important literary landmarks in the country because it is more than just a place where an author penned her fiction. It is a place that very clearly inspired so much of that fiction. As a 544-acre historic site, Andalusia appeals to readers, scholars, nature lovers, and history buffs.
The 544-acre estate is composed of gently rolling hills divided into a farm complex, hayfields, pasture, man-made and natural ponds, and forests. Tobler Creek, a spring fed waterway, intersects the property entering near the west corner and meandering down to exit at the middle of the southeast boundary.
The farm complex at Andalusia consists of the main house, a peafowl aviary, Jack & Louise Hill's House, the main cow barn, an equipment shed, the milk-processing shed, an additional smaller barn, a parking garage (also called the Nail House), a water tower, a small storage house (formerly a well house), a horse stable, a pump house, and three tenant houses.
The Main House is a circa 1850s white two-story, Plantation Plain style structure with a red metal roof and several additions, including a three-room extension on the north corner of the house. These additions were present when Flannery O’Connor occupied the house. The three-room extension was, in fact, added for additional space in 1959 while O’Connor was living there.
The Hills' House is a modified mid-19th century plantation type cottage. It is smaller and simpler in detail than the Main House and features two front entrances. Robert “Jack” and Louise Hill, resident farmers at Andalusia, lived in this house. Formerly located in the crescent of the
driveway nearer the Main House, it was moved to its current location, approximately 225 feet to the northwest of the Main House, in the late 1940s. O’Connor refers to the Hills, along with their boarder Willie “Shot” Manson, with humor and affection on several occasions in her letters.
The Foundation was incorporated in 2001 with a Board of Directors installed in 2002. The Foundation received the majority of the Andalusia property from the Estate and family members in 2003, the same year it opened the house and property to the public.
Original furniture and furnishings from the period of interpretation, 1951-1964 (O'Connor's occupancy).
Lectures, forums, workshops, tours, readings, and musical events.
Board of Directors of the Flannery O'Connor - Andalusia Foundation, Inc.
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