Last updated: 1/13/2012
273 Euskadi Lane
Gooding, ID 83330
P.O. Box 580
Gooding, ID 83330
Friday - Saturday
1 PM - 4 PM
By appointment other times
Sharon Cheney
phone: 208-934-5135
Joani Pauls
Ilene Rounsfell
Lorri Robb
Coy Jones
phone: 208-934-5813
We are seeking to have a comprehensive history of the area. We are looking to include a history of each town in the county. We are collecting histories of the inhabitance of each town. The Basque were an important part of the building up the communities and they are be included Frank Gooding, Governorand Senator, has a vistion for this area and we want to show what that was.
We are dedicated to preserve the history of Gooding County. We are largest repository of local history in southern Idaho. We currently have a data base of over 30,000 names that have lived and or died in our area.
The musuem was first found in 1973 by several area ladies. They had a building donated to them and started to collect items. It has out grown the building that is now falling apart. We are working had to save that collection and move it to a new building.
Store items, military uniforms, picutes of Gooding County area.
First computer in the state of Idaho. Furniture that depicts the 1900 era Doctor's office, mortuary items, picture of the early towns kitchen, Baque and School for the Deaf and Blind displays.
Land records for Alturas,Logan and Lincoln counties land that became Goooding county. Military information for service personal from Gooding County. Obituary for Gooding county from 1908 to current.Family files and histories.
The cemetery records from each of the towns, obituries from the local newspaper early 1908 thru present day. Histories of the area organization, Lion, Grande, Odd Fellow, Rebecas, other service groups. Scrapbooks from some of the groups. Local Histories of
There will be an extensive history of Frank Gooding. The area 4th grades classes will be invited up once a year to hear a talk on his accomplishment.
Other talks will be added to enhance our education programs.
Workshops will be added and grants allow. We are hoping to have workshops on the Basque, sheep industry, sugar beets, potatoes, and diary.
The cost will be announced.
Goverened by the Gooding County Historical Society
Access: General Public
Appointment required: False
There is a newsletter published once a month. This updates the members to new acquistons and upcoming events.
Monthly newletter
The Time Piece
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