SARASOTA – Native tribes claimed this land. Explorers sailed the bays. Through the years of Seminole Indian Wars, the coming of the hardy pioneers who fished the waters and cultivated the land, the Crackers who herded the cattle, and the visionaries who built a city unique in its diversity, Sarasota remains a home to be desired; a place of proud heritage.
THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY of SARASOTA COUNTY'S mission is to create a public awareness of the rich historical heritage of Sarasota County and the State of Florida, to encourage inquiry and research into this history, to encourage the preservation and collection of artifacts, photographs and printed materials and other memorabilia pertaining to this area, to develop an appreciation of its historical communities and to protect its historic sites and structures. To do this, the Society undertakes to make history available to a broad audience by sponsoring lectures, exhibits, publications, tours and other activities. Further, the Society undertakes to cultivate associations with like- minded organizations similarly aligned with our purposes. Beginning in 1927 with a citizens group’s collection of historical materials and the forming of the Office of County Historian in the early 1950’s, a Sarasota County Historical Society evolved in 1959. The Society reorganized in 1977 as a not-for-profit corporation under the laws of the State of Florida.
See above statement The Crocker Memorial Church is available to rent for Weddings, Business and Trade Fair Meetings, Plays, Music, Baptisms, Song and Dance Shows. It is ADA compliant, hold up to 100 people and has wonderful acoustics along with plenty of parking.