Last updated: 1/29/2014
400 Main Street
Aurora, NC 27806
PO Box 352
Aurora, NC 27806
Andrea Stilley
Dr. George Oliver Jr.
Judy Stiles
Leeanna Roberson
phone: 252-322-4238
Nellie Carter
Mike Morris
Free museum with 3 buildings of fossils both from Aurora and around the world including 2 whales and shark teeth from the megalodon shark along with minerals from around the world.
Our own fossil pile, affectionately dubbed the 'Pit of the Pungo', is an unlimited source of Miocene age fossils donated by our local phosphate mine. In these fossil rich soils, one may find the remains of ancient sharks, whales, bony fish, corals, shells and other invertebrates. Our staff will willingly provide personal assistance and other resources to help you identify your finds. Bring a garden trowel or sifter and plastic bags, spend the day collecting with us, and take home a piece of the past.
The Aurora Fossil Museum is dedicated to the informal science education of the citizens of North Carolina in an informative and creative way with emphasis on fun.
The museum opened in 1978 with one small room and became a private non-profit corporation in 1999. We opened an additional building in 2006 and added a third building in 2010.
Native American Material from Eastern North Carolina
Fossils from Eastern North Carolina and around the World. Minerals from North Carolina and around the world.
The museum has a wide variety of Pleistocene, Pliocene and Miocene marine fossils on display. Most displays feature specimens collected from the local PotashCorp mine (formerly referred to as Lee Creek). This famous mine has been called the most important source of Pliocene and Miocene fossils in the world.
The Archaeology room features a comprehensive collection of projectile points, stone tools, jewelry and cooking implements of native Americans from Eastern North Carolina. Murals depict the habitation of North Carolina from the Stone Age to the arrival of Europeans.
Recently the museum was gifted with the long term loan of an outstanding collection of Pre-Columbian artifacts from Guatemala and Honduras. Most items on display are from the Late Classic Period of Mayan history, spanning time from A.D. 600-900
Educator will travel up to 60 miles for schools and groups of more than 100 individuals.
Make sure you plan time to visit the mine room and view the geological formations beneath the town of Aurora. Our free 20 minute video will greatly enhance your experience.
The Learning Center contains a growing lending library of scientific literature. If you're looking for a hard to find piece of paleo or geological literature, check out our selections. Outdoor classes and other gatherings can be held under the covered pavilion. Wall art depicts the earth as it may have appeared at various times in the past
Access: General Public
Appointment required: False
We welcome school groups and are happy to provide free fossil material and educational information for classroom use. By scheduling your group of 10 or more in advance of a visit, we will be better able to serve you. If your school is unable to make a trip to our museum, contact us and see if we can come to you. Our presentation includes an exhibit of local fossils,free fossil material and educational resources suitable for grades 3-8.
Digger's Gift Shop offers a wide variety of merchandise including shark teeth necklaces, AFM logo T-shirts, locally found fossils, natural history and paleontology books and other neat items. Our in-house jewelry designers have begun two new lines of jewelry-one featuring semi-precious stones. Stop in or give us a call to meet all your gift needs.
Gift Shop
Online Gift Shop
Group Tours
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