300 Main Street
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019
300 Main Street
Half Moon Bay, CA 94038
Susana vanBezooijen
phone: 650-726-6335
The Coastal Arts League is a non-profit corporation founded in 1979 to develop and support creative artistic talent in the Coastside Community. The Coastal Arts League maintains a free Museum and a Museum Store to show-case the talent of Coastside artists and art groups. Monthly exhibitions in the Museum may be the work of individual artists or other, regional, art organizations. Additionally, the Coastal Arts League, in conjunction with other organizations, such as San Mateo County's Art Share, develops programs to encourage young artists to publish and display their work. We were among the first to show the AIDS quil. We have shown sand mandalas as done by Tibetan monestary monks. We have shown art work, photography, sculpture, and ceramics done by individuals, groups, children to showcase both the talents in our area and through out the world. We have had exchange shows, both internationally and nationally with other art related museums and facilities.
The Coastal Arts League is a non-profit corporation founded in 1979 to develop and support creative artistic talent in the Coastside Community. The Coastal Arts League maintains a free Museum and a Museum Store to show-case the talent of Coastside artists and art groups. Monthly exhibitions in the Museum may be the work of individual artists or other, regional, art organizations.
Coastal artist Galan Wolfe, and other local artists.
Exhibitions as above. Educational programs by various local artists, ie ceramics, watercolor and an ongoing live drawing class.
non profit board of directors
Access: Staff Only
Appointment required: False
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