Last updated: 7/12/2011
10946 Woodside Ave. North
Santee, CA 92071
Monday - Saturday
9 AM - 4 PM
Bruce Wood
phone: 619/448-0900
Jayson Payne
Dr. Henry Morris’ Institute of Creation Research launched the Creation and Earth History Museum in 1992. For 20 years, ICR developed and grew the exhibits and following. Upon ICR’s move to Texas, the entire museum and its contents were sold to Scantibodies Laboratory, Inc.
Tom Cantor, the owner of Scantibodies Laboratory, Inc., and his wife Cheryl founded a non-profit 501c3 ministry called Light and Life Foundation. The Light and Life Foundation owns the museum.
The Creation and Earth History Museum is a 7500 sq. ft. showcase for a literal six-day creation and young earth with an ever-growing emphasis on God’s design in creation. It is nestled 20 minutes outside downtown San Diego in Santee, CA. We invite you to tour the museum online at or in person 10946 Woodside Ave. North Santee, CA 92071.
To support the vision of the Life and Light Foundation by providing educational and evangelistic opportunities though interactive museum experiences, and offering inspirational resources to supplement the expansion of ministry.
Lecture Halls
Access: Students, Staff Only
Appointment required: True
Acts & Facts ICR's Monthly Newsletter, Days of Praise quarderly Daily Bible Readings and Devotional Commentaries
Acts & Facts
Days of Praise
Gift Shop
Online Gift Shop
Group Tours
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