The Hall of Fame was founded to give recognition to the outstanding pioneers who contributed to the settling of the early American western frontier as well as acknowledge individuals who continue to be trailblazers and continue the legacy of the western culture. The Hall of Fame tells the stories and pressents excellent examples of American heroes of the past, present, and future.
The primary objectives of the National Cowboys of Color Museum and Hall of Fame is to offer the visitor a true and complete historical perspective of the people and activities that built the unique culture of The American WEst. The work of artists who documented the people and events of the time, journals, photographs, and other historical items are part of this new collection of long overlooked materials that tell, perhaps for the first time, the complete story. The American West of today still perates on many of the principles and cultural relationships begun so long ago. We hope that our visitors will share in the enjoyment of a new vision and leave witha wareness that today's West came into being through the sturggles and triumphs of diversity.
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