Last updated: 1/8/2011
1200 Travis
Houston, TX 77002
The Houston Police Department opened the doors to its HPD Museum and Officers’ Memorial during a grand opening ceremony on Wednesday, May 12. The museum is located in the lobby of HPD headquarters at 1200 Travis, and features unique displays and a memorial wall honoring the ultimate sacrifice made by those officers that gave their lives in the line of duty. Included among the displays are artifacts from the Honor Guard, SWAT, Mounted Patrol, badges, uniforms and other equipment utilized over the years. There is no charge for the Museum.
Tours are self guided...However, tour groups of 10 or more require reservations.
For further information or to schedule a tour, please contact the HPD museum at...
1841-present day items pertaining to the history of the Police Department; helicopter; motorcycles; cars; uniforms; guns; photographs;material relating tot he development of the department & famous cases.
Houston city history; Houston Police Dept.
guided tours; lectures; films; gallery talks; formally organized education programs for children & adults; permanent & temporary exhibitions
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars
Appointment required: True
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