Last updated: 7/20/2017
2400 Liscum Rd
Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234
2108 Wilson way
Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234
Tuesday - Friday
10 AM - 4 PM
Closed Sunday, Monday and Federal Holidays
We are now located inside the historic Quadrangle on Liscum Rd.
Ms. Jacqueline B. Davis
phone: 210-221-1590
William Manchester
phone: 210-221-1588
The Fort Sam Houston Museum collects, interprets, preserves and displays materials related to the history of Fort Sam Houston, Texas and of the United States Army in the San Antonio area from 1845 to the present. This includes the military units and organizations stationed there, the significant events which occurred there, the distinguished soldiers who served there and the influence of Fort Sam Houston on the Army and the Nation. The Museum promotes stewardship of the 900 historic structures on this National Historic Landmark site.
Established in 1967 and registered with the US Army Center of Military History. Certified (accredited) by the Center of Military History in 1981 and recertified in 1986, 1991 and 1997. Received the Lamar Award from Preservation Texas and the Texas Historical Commission Museum Award (Education Program) in 1994 for the Fort Sam Houston Historical Neighborhood Awareness Program.
Uniforms, equipment, accoutrements, arms, edged weapons, vehicles, flags, insignia related to the history of Fort Sam Houston and of the Army in the San Antonio area from 1845 to the present.
Primary and secondary materials related to the history of Fort Sam Houston. Photographs, personal papers, military manuals, maps and plans. Microfilmed historical records.
The Museum can provide gallery tours to military organization, veterans organizations and school groups. Professional development training is provided to military organizations. An extensive series of publications about the history of the post is available for reference or self study.
Pocket Guide to:
Historic Fort Sam Houston
the Staff Post
the Infantry Post
the Cavalry and Light Artillery Post
Camp Travis
Dodd Field
the New Post
Camp Bullis
Surrounded by History
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