Last updated: 12/14/2011
300 Alamo Plaza
San Antonio, TX 78205
PO Box 1401
San Antonio, TX 78295
Monday - Friday
9 AM - 5 PM
Texas history research library located on the grounds of the Alamo.
The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Library is dedicated to advancing the understanding of the unique history of the Alamo and Texas and of the lives of those who experienced it.
The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Library is part of the Alamo complex and has been developed and is supported and maintained by the Daughters of the Republic of Texas for the use of all researchers.
The need to encourage the study of Texas history and to preserve its documents was important to the founders of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas, who stipulated that purpose in their charter in 1893. When Dr. William Eager Howard donated his private library of Texana in 1943, this purpose began to be fully realized.
The necessary funds for a building to house the Howard gift were provided by Mrs. John King Beretta as a memorial to her husband, a close friend of Dr. Howard's. In 1950 the DRT Library building was opened, and further acquisitions for it were sought. The growth of the collections was rapid, requiring building expansions and improvements over the years. The library continues to collect and serve increasing numbers of patrons who become acquainted with its unique resources.
Access: General Public
Appointment required: False
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