Last updated: 3/24/2012
311 Baumgarten St.
Schulenburg, TX 78956
P.O. Box 6
Schulenburg, TX 78956
Eugenia Reeves
phone: 979-743-6559
The main Museum features interactive exhibits and 30 static displays. The tour begins with a multimedia presentation showing the history of flight and how it passionately influenced Victor and Joe Stanzel.
The factory wing of the Museum gives visitors an opportunity to experience the development and manufacturing of model aircraft in an era when aviation and rocket technology was in its infancy.
Adjacent to the Museum is the historic home of Victor and Joe Stanzel’s grandparents, restored and furnished as it appeared in the late 1800s.
The Stanzel Model Aricraft Museum was established in 1998 as part of the Stanzel Family Foundation according to the wishes of two brothers, Jospeh and Victor Stanzel ( now deceased). The Stanzel brothers were also co-owners of Victor Stanzel Company, a hobby and toy model aircaft manufacturing enterprise which they founded in the mid 1920's. They designed, developed and manufactured fuel powered model aircarft, control line systems and airplane toys.
The Stanzel Model Aircraft Museum exhibits products of their life's work and accomplishments over a span of 70 years.
The Stanzel Model Aircraft Museum features interactive exhibits and over 30 static displays that include historical models, control manufacturing processes, flying concepts, and history of the Victor Stanzel Company. This covers the timeframe from the early 1930s to the present time. The factory wing of the Museum gives visitors an opportunity to experience the development and manufacturing of model aircraft in an era when aviation and rocket technology was in its infancy. Adjacent to the Museum is the historic home of Victor and Joe Stanzel's grandparents, restored and furnished as it appeared in the late 1800s.
Tours for goups; schools, senior citizens, etc.
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars
Appointment required: False
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