Updated: 3/12/2010
In the fall of 1996, the $1.2 million Nolan Ryan Center was completed and donated to Alvin Community College with space leased within the building for the Nolan Ryan Exhibit which opened in early 1999.
Some of the highlights in the Exhibit Hall are:
A small theater providing insight into Nolan's character and his journey towards excellence.
An interactive pitch-catch exhibit where the visitor "feels" a Nolan Ryan fastball in a catcher's mitt.
Videos of Nolan's career with the Mets, Angels, Astros and Rangers.
Stats and exclusive photos of Nolan's 27-year career in Major League Baseball.
Essays with pictorials by Talmage Boston, baseball historian.
A Rawlings Hall of Records depicting Nolan's 5,714 strikeouts (replica strikeout balls may be purchased and "owners" are listed in a computer database as part of a kiosk center which allows all types of statistical information to be reviewed).
Nolan's seven no-hitters depicted in photos, video and broadcast audio.
The Exhibit is closed on Sundays.
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