Last updated: 7/9/2012
210 S. Dixon Street
Gainesville, TX 76240
P.O. Box 150
Gainesville, TX 76241
Christy Fenley
phone: 940-668-8900
Harriett Dickson
Cathy Farquar
Ms. Lillian Gunter
The museum maintains a large archival and photographic collection of material for researchers to utilize. A staff person is available, by appointment, to aid individuals in genealogy research. Also available by appointment, is a step-on guide for bus tours of the historic downtown and other historic sites in the area.
Guided walking tours of the downtown and Victorian homes district may also be arranged. Several other specialized walking tours, in addition to those two, are available as well. Recorders and audio tapes of the history of the Victorian homes and the historic downtown may be rented at the museum for those individuals wishing to take those tours without a guide. To arrange a tour or make an appointment, call the museum at 940-668-8900. Store area has books, prints, and other items for sale.
In 1884, the building in which the Morton Museum of Cooke County is housed was erected as Gainesville's combination city hall, fire station, and calaboose (jail) - a visible symbol of the city's growing prosperity. With the aid of the newly formed Cooke County Heritage Society and a donation from former Gainesville resident Granville C. Morton and his wife Gladys, the Morton Museum of Cooke County opened in December 1968.
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