Last updated: 1/22/2012
414 State Loop 92
La Grange, TX 78945
Dale L. Martin
phone: 409-968-5658
Joan Atchley
phone: 409-968-5658
James Ragland
phone: 409-968-5658
Ed Grable
phone: 409-968-5658
Dennis E. Smith
phone: 409-968-5658
This State Historical Park contains the remains of 1840's era Texas Militia Soldiers whose remains were brought back at great risk and with great effort to be buried in their home area "with honor". The story of how these brave men came to die, and how their remains came to be brought back to this location for final burial is one of the most tragic and stirring stories in modern Texas history. They reflect the early strife that was encountered with President Santa Anna. But our story extends past Santa Anna's influence in Texas, with the end of the Mexican War (1846-1848). Four months after these mayrters were returned to their final resting place, a German immigrant, H.L. Kreische settled on the bluff on which their crypt rests. Mr. Kreische's story epitomizes contributions made by thousands of early Texas settlers. His craftsmanship in expert stone masonry is shown in his substantial 1850's era 3-story home located near the tomb, and by the stabilized ruins of his brewery which is located in a ravine nearby. The Park thereby reflects the dawning of commercial scale industry-- and the transition of one man and family's orientation from old world craftsmanship (stone masonry) to commercial scale enterprise reflected with the production of "Kreische's Bluff Beer". Mr. Kreische diversified with several related businesses in the county. All of this is located on top of a 200 foot bluff, which is one of the prettiest locations in Central Texas.
The history of Monument Hill & Kreische Brewery spans from September 18, 1848 to 1984. On September 18, 1848 the tomb was placed on the Bluff (Dawson & Mier remains reinterred). In January of 1849, H.L. Kreische bought 172 1/4 acres from G. Willrich which included the tomb. On March 17, 1882 Mr. Kreische died and in June, 1884 the State of Texas erected a mounument to the Dawson Mier men in Courthouse Yard Probate Court transferred ownership to Mrs. Josepha Appelt Kreische. On June 24, 1907, The State of Texas acquired Monument Hill Tomb. 0.365 acres by condemned and Daughters of the Republic of Texas put uip $350 in payment to the Kreische's. The Kreische family never accepted the money.
In 1937, historian and author L.W. Kemp analyzed the site for removal of the Dawson and Mier remains to the Texas State Cemetary. This prompted a local Monument Committee and the Daughters of the Republic of Texas to finance improvements. The D.R.T. erected a wrought iron fence around the tomb and in 1932 a movement developed to make Mounument Hill a State Park. (Original State Park system was legislatively enacted into law in 1923). In May 1933, Mounument Hill became a State Park.
On September 18, 1933, a granite tomb was erected by Fayette County Citizens, and dedicated at that time. This tomb encases the original sandstone tomb, and in 1936, a 48' limestone, marble, and bronze monument, with art deco paneling, was erected over the tomb, memorializing all men who fought in the Dawson and Mier expeditions.
In 1950, Franklin and Julia Kreische (last two children of H.L. Kreische) donated the remaining 344 acres adjacent ot the State Park ( including Brewery ruins and the house) to the San Antonio Roman Catholic Diocese.
Julia Kreische died in the house in 1952 and custody went over to the church. In 1956 Fayette County Citizens purchased/donated 3.58 acres to the state park making a total of 4 acres and in 1977 the State acquired 36 acres, including the house and brewery, from private developers and in 1984 the park re-opened as "Monument Hill & Kreische Brewery State Historical Park".
Collections consist of some furniture and household and agricultural items belonging to the Kreische family form the 19th Century. Items such as an ox yoke; trunk; sewing machine; and hand crank washing machine are on display in the Visitor Center. So is a rifle from Kreische's "scheutzenverein" (shooting club[ ca, 1880's] ) and a gold medal (1893). Barrel brands, and implements from the brewery are also displayed. Two wardrobes, an 1840's era table, a stuffed horse hair chair, pie safe, and other items are in the house. Some of these items are on display and other are curated in the attic. Many archaeological items are curated and stored and catalogued at the TPWD archaeology lab facility in Austin. The original documents are mostly curated at the Fayette Library and Museum, with a few documents curated at the park that pertain to the Kreisches. The collection is accessioned and is currently being catalogued.
We have a closed circulation library designed as a support research facility for our docent organization. Access can be gained by permission by the Park Manager on a case by case basis. Volumes include popular books of history and natural history, particularly as it may relate to early Texas; German immigration; Texas Revolution and/or Republic of Texas periods; or indigenous wildlife or plant life found in the park. Xeroxed copies of various original documents pertaining to the Kreische family, including probate documents, and oral histories are bound in plastic combs and are a part of the small library.
Field trips are conducted for all grade levels on-site. Combined staff and trained docents are used for this purpose. Most of our interpretive and educational efforts are done at the elementary school level, but occasionally secondary, high school, and rarely college level trips are chartered. Our main group are individuals and families who visit on self-guided tours or on our regularly scheduled guided tours. Docent training consists of a six-week reading and class regimen; follwed by written exam and "tour practical". Rarely, we may be asked to give a class lecture which we always try to fulfill. Our educator's guide is available upon request.
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