Updated: 11/27/2012
372 Gannahl Roa
Lawton, OK 73503
The construction of the Air Defense Artillery Museum is currently in the planning stages at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
The Air Defense Museum has begun to move it's museum to it's new home at Fort Sill. The Air Defense School was moved to Sill as a result of a BRAC realignment. With the School being relocated the Museum followed with it's history. While awaiting a new building, the arifacts will be housed in a large warehouse where the ADA students can get an up close and personal look at their heritage. Currently only students will be able to tour the building as part of their history of the ADA training.
The mission of the U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery Museum is to identify, collect, research, preserve, and interpret historically significant properties, and maintain them as a usable resource for scholars; to further community relations, as well as enhance morale and espirit de corps; to provide a professional facility for the complete history of U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery, from it's inception as Coast Artillery to the present; to provide educational services, to include programs classes, exibits, audiovisuals, and publications, for use by the Air Defense Artillery School, Advanced Individual Training, NCO Academy, ROTC program, public schools, and civilian and Military population.
The Post Trader's Store (Gift Shop) has a variety of souvenirs to commemorate your visit. The Post Trader's offers art, coffee mugs, post cards, models of cannons (varying sizes), afghans/throws/sabers, and much more. The Store's library offers books ranging from Historical to Children's.
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