Last updated: 5/27/2010
300 E. Virginia Street
McKinney, TX 75069
Vicki Day
phone: 972-542-9457 x101
Bryan Lean
phone: 972-542-9457 x103
Sarah Hatcher
phone: 972-542-9457 x102
Suzanne Hedgepath
phone: 202-546-0022
Natalie Rawlinson
phone: 972-542-9457 x104
The North Texas History Center is the larget collection of North Texas history. We share with visitors in different changing exhibits the life of settlers that came to North Texas and settled. Our ongoing exhibits include Pioneering Roots, Cowboys and Cattledrives, and Texas' role in the Civil War. Future Special exhibits will be foucusing on different communities of people that have called Texas home, with exhibts on Black Texans,and Native Peoples already in development. NTHC is also working on a Texas Veterans Exhibit. It is the hope of the NTHC to allow today's Texans and all visitors the oppurtunity to learn about all Texas people that contributed to making Texas the great State it is. Through this knowledge people can develop understanding of different communites, and their lives today.
The North Texas History Center was founded in 1957 as the Collin County Historical Society. The focus was to collect and preserve the incoming collections. Originally the Center was staffed by volunteers. The Center now is staffed by 4 full time employees and 1 part time. The Center continues to collect, preserve and catalog the history of North Texas.
The NTHC is in the old 1911 McKinney Post Office. The Center is located in the Historical Distirct just off the McKinney Square. The architecture of this wonderful old building is worth the visit itself.
Broad general historical collections related to Collin County History.
The North Texas History Center opens it's doors to local Collin County School children to come and enhance their History experiance. We have regular exhibts on Pioneering, Cattledrives, and the Civil war. Each program is designed to meet grade-specific TEKS and appeal to a wide variety of learning styles. WE are developing a library of online History lessons, that include lesson plans for teachers to use in the classroom. Traveling Trunks and Learning Kits are also available to rent for classroom use. NTHC also has Summer Camps for children.
The NTHC will from time to time host special events for the community, and special lectures from local Historians. NTHC hosted a Civil War Reenactment, Quilt Exhibit, and is currently working on a USO Camp show.
NTHC is governed by a ten member board of directors.
Access: Members
Appointment required: True
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