Last updated: 5/30/2012
66 South Wright St.
Alice, TX 78333
The South Texas Museum building was once the headquarters of the McGill Brothers ranching interests.
Built in 1941, the building’s exterior style is reminiscent of the Alamo. It is built of concrete and stone cut from the Texas Hill Country northwest of San Antonio. If the walls of this building could talk, they would be able to tell you stories of the many people who have visited, including the Texas Rangers who used the building as a headquarters in the 1940′s.
The heirs of the McGill brothers donated the building to be used as a home for the South Texas museum in 1975. As you pass through the double-copper doors in the Museum, you will find yourself immersed in the history of Alice and South Texas. Collections range from Civil War era weapons to antique dolls, saddles to butter churns and one hundred year old typewriters to arrowheads. The Museum houses an extensive photographic collection of early Alice and Jim Wells County as well as a library for historical research.
In 1973, a group of citizens was granted a charter for a non-profit, 501 (c) (3) institution by the State of Texas. The heirs of H. Frank McGill, Sr. donated the McGill Bros. ranch headquarters building to be the home of the South Texas Museum in 1975.
The 1994 Board of Directors of the South Texas Museum initiated a
Restoration/Expansion Project. The first phase was a full restoration and renovation of the existing structure, completed late November of 1995.
The Texas Historical Commission designated the South Texas Museum building as a Recorded Texas Historic Landmark in August of 1994. The marker will be dedicated in spring of 1996.
McGill Bros. Building - South Texas ranch items from the late 1800s; office items and
furniture from 1880s; mounted trophy animal heads, horns, and birds; photos of pioneer ranchers and men of mark; 1850 and 1908 saddles; fire arms collection (Civil War - early 1900s); unique collection of early photos, documents, and maps of the area.
Extensive photo, document, and newspaper file collections of: Jim Wells County, City of Alice, Alice Schools, Tex-Mex Railroad, early agribusiness and ranching, early oil & gas industry,
WWI and WWII, and histories of early families. Archives also holds 185 Civil War books and other reference books. All original documents and photos can be copied for researchers. Contact
the museum for full statement of use policies.
Exhibitions, educators guide, lectures; no fees charged for guided tours or lectures;
available for programs outside of museum with appropriate time to prepare
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