600 Main Street
Beaumont, TX 77701
D. Ryan Smith
John Legget
Christy Gladden
Although the Museum's primary focus is the history, technology and science of petroleum, much of our programming includes science in general. Modern exhibitions cover the geology and formation of oil, history of oil drilling technology, seismology, history of the U.S. and its reliance on oil; offshore drilling; refining; and the history of Spindletop and the growth of the Texas oil industry. Robotic characters and video animations relate much of the story. Children and family educational programs include Saturday outdoor events focusing on physics and "bubbles," dinosaurs and paleontology; astronomy and space exploration, and environmental science. Our current project is a 2,000 sq ft permanent exhibition interpreting the science and chemistry behind petroleum refining and petrochemicals. The $1.1 million exhibition includes immersion theater, animated models and a simulated oil tanker journey through the Neches River wetlands.
The Texas Energy Museum was incorporated in 1987 through the efforts of the City of Beaumont, Lamar University, and numerous individuals. Combining the collections of the Spindletop Museum of Lamar University and the Western Company of North America Museum of Fort Worth, the museum opened to the public on January 10, 1990, the anniversary of the Spindletop gusher.
The Texas Energy Museum collects, preserves, and interprets objects and materials relating to energy and the petroleum industry, especially pertaining to southeast Texas. A non-profit, educational institution, the museum interprets petroleum and energy-related science, history, and technology through exhibitions, tours, and public programs.
Petroleum technology artifacts including cable tool rig, rotary rig, drill bits, pipe, tools,
and equipment, etc. -- 2,000 items.
Geology and paleontological specimens -- 250 items.
Petroleum well servicing, marketing, and distribution equipment and vehicles -- 20 items.
Petroleum exploration equipment -- 100 items, including unique equipment used during
the 1920s to 1950s in geophysics.
Household items -- 2,000 items.
Papers, maps, and photographs relating to Spindletop Oil Field and other southeast Texas oil fields. Corporate archives include Western Co. of North America (1938 - 1987.
Collection of 87 photographs of the Spindletop Oil Field, 1901-1902 are available on CD-Rom
School group programs of Museum mornings, Tues - Fri. 50 minute programs at 9, 10 and 11 am. Limited to 30 students. Curriculum materials available upon request. Bubble Day - 2nd Sat in May; Summer Science for Kids - 3 rd week in June; Dinosaur Day - 4th Sat in Oct. Fall Family Lecture series each November. See website for detailed calendar.
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