San Antonio Museum of Art
San Antonio, Texas

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The San Antonio Museum of Art traces its roots to the establishment of the San Antonio Museum Association (SAMA) in 1925. SAMA, which operated three separate museums in San Antonio, acquired objects by gift and purchase since its inception.

In 1981, the Museum of Art opened its doors at its downtown location. The museum now serves as the only comprehensive art museum in South Texas with the most comprehensive collection of Latin American Folk Art, Asian art, and ancient art in the Southwest. The museum maintains an active schedule of traveling exhibitions. In 1994, the San Antonio Museum Association was dissolved. The Witte Museum and the Museum of Art divided their collections and began maintaining separate budgets and staffs. Since the museum s collection, numbering over 20,000 objects, far exceeds the exhibition space at the museum, the museum is interested in making its collections available to the public.

Artifact Collections

American and European arts: American & European paintings (350 works) 19th and 20th century; American & European works on paper (650 works) from Rembrandt through the 1940s. ; American & European sculpture (80 works) 19th and 20th century; American & European photography (750 works) 1840s through present.; American & European decorative arts (800 objects) 19th and 20th century. Collection also includes 600 glass objects, porcelain, china, and silver.

Ancient art: Greek, Roman, and Egyptian art (3,000 pieces) including sculpture, vases, decorative art objects, and archaeological artifacts.

Asian/Oriental art: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indian, and Southeast Asian art (200 pieces) including ceramics, bronze, paintings, textiles, and decorative arts

Contemporary art: 20th-century American, European, and Texas paintings and sculpture (200 works)

Latin American art: Pre-Colombian, Spanish Colonial, and Folk Art (15,000 objects) from 1500 B.C. to the present. The Folk Art collection is quite large. The museum invites suggestions on making these collections available to the public.

Other: African & Oceanic Art (300 objects) ,Furniture collections (50 pieces) from Texas, America, Europe, and the Spanish Colonial period


Educational workshops/programs,Docent program,Gallery tours,Films, Educators' newsletter,Artist demonstrations,Dance performances, Drop-in workshop program,Teachers curriculum packets,Lectures Musical performances,Family programs,Artists-in-residence

The Museum of Art offers a variety of educational programs. Supplementing its teacher workshops, the museum gives teachers the opportunity to speak with museum staff, curators, and volunteers, regarding the museum as an educational resource. In those evening programs, teachers listen to short presentations, take gallery tours, and get an overview of the museum's educational programming. A similar program is offered to school administrators.

Educational materials that cover broad historical and cultural areas designed for use with specific objects from the museum's collections may be available for loan. These materials could be applied to collection objects at other institutions. Contact the Curator of Education for more information.

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