Last updated: 11/25/2021
1300 Church Hill Drive,
New Braunfels, TX 78130
Martha Rehler
phone: 830-629-2943
Leanne Marquez
Non-Profit Museum Preserving New Braunfels and Comal County Heritage.
Step back in time as you tour the historic buildings at Old Town Conservation Plaza.
New Braunfels Conservation Society endeavors to save disappearing historic fabric of New Braunfels and Comal County for present and future generations through acquiring, saving, preserving, restoring, displaying and exhibiting historic buildings, artifacts, ephemera and their collective rich history.
The Conservation Society was founded in 1964 to save the Lindheimer house–one of New Braunfels’ most significant historic home. As the IH-35 corridor developed through the community, the Conservation Society raised funds to save, restore and sometimes relocate notable structures onto our 3.5-acre Old Town village. Over the years, our mission has grown to also preserve and promote the history and heritage of New Braunfels, a mission that continues today.
As of 2020, the New Braunfels Conservation Society has saved and restored 19 structures at four locations.
The museum houses a large collection of 19th and early 20th century Texas-German artifacts.
Take a guided tour through the museums to step back in time and learn the history of early New Braunfels.
Step back in time as you tour the museum at Old Town Conservation Plaza to experience old New Braunfels.
The Forke Store as well as the gazebo and pavilion are available to rent for weddings, family reunions, and various other small parties. Contact the office for pricing and availability.
Gift Shop
Event Rental
Group Tours
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