Last updated: 2/6/2012
352 Commerce Street
Havre de Grace, MD 21078
121 N Union Avenue
Suite C
Havre de Grace, MD 21078
Admission fees vary depending on cruise
Cynthia Beane
phone: 410-939-4078
The MARTHA LEWIS project is an ambition whose realization will depend entirely on the energy and vision of those who come forward to continue it. It is also another test, an open question to those with the vision to answer, of our ability to manage our Chesapeake heritage before parts of it are erased completel
To promote and preserve historic Chesapeake Bay watercraft and to educate the public in the heritage of the Chesapeake Bay. And further, to promote and assist scientific research and to gather scientific information on preserving the plants and animals in the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries.
The MARTHA LEWIS was built in 1955 by Bronza Parks. Two sister ships (The Lady Katie and Rosie Parks) were in the yard alongside the MARTHA LEWIS. Mr. Parks built MARTHA for Captain James Lewis, who named the boat after his mother. Most skipjacks were named after mothers and daughters, since other relationships could always end.
Later the MARTHA LEWIS was acquired by Gene Tyler on Tilghman Island. He worked her for 21 years, finally selling her to his brother-in-law, William Rowe. Two years later, Mr. Rowe would not be able to afford the upkeep and Dr. Randy George stepped in to purchase the boat in the hopes that an organization could preserve the boat and keep it traditionally working.
dredge repair tools
push boat
oyster calipers
steel cabled winder and rollers
name boards
photo archive of the Lewis family and early oyster dredge crew
videographed interviews with watermen
There are many ways you can help the Chesapeake Heritage Conservancy and the Skipjack Martha Lewis. Here are a bunch of different options you can choose from:
1. Join the Conservancy
2. Become a Volunteer
3. Shop online through one of our affiliate links: Now, when you shop at through this link, and we will get a referal fee from your purchases. This will go to helping preserve the Martha Lewis. It's easy, all you do is shop as usual. There is no cost to you, and you get to help out the CHC as you shop.
4. Purchase CHC custom plates: If you live in the state of Maryland, you can now show your support for the Skipjack Martha Lewis by purchasing specialty plates
5. Donate your old/used cell phones and ink cartridges
6. Make a tax deductable donation online
7. Donate sailing supplies, educational supplies, office supplies, or other essentials.
Gift Shop
Event Rental
Group Tours
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