Our site attracts tens of thousands of visitors every year from all over the world, and tells the story of an outstanding American woman who became the first American-born saint. The Basilica abounds with splendid mosaics, rich marble and bronze, and numerous colorful stained glass windows, all the work of Italian and German artisans. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton is buried under a special altar in the Basilica. We have a Museum with a short video on her life. On the grounds are restored 18th and 19th century houses where Mother Seton lived and worked until her death in 1821. The Civil War also touched our site when 80,00 Union soldiers encamped here in 1863 before they went on to the Battle of Gettysburg; and the Daughters of Charity cared for the sick and wounded of both Union and Confederate armies.
Whether your interest is in history, in appreciation of beautiful architecture, in the extraordinary life of a bold Frederick County woman, or even in the question of why a person is called a saint, the Shrine has much to offer as day trip.
Home of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, the first American-born saint, from 1809 to her death in 1821. St. Elizabeth Ann was founder of the Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph and a pioneer in Catholic education. The Museum presents a short orientation video and has exhibits and interpretive panels on the life of Elizabeth Ann. Two restored houses in which she lived are on site and display period rooms including a schoolroom, kitchen, and chapel. The Basilica (designated a Minor Basilica) is adorned with splendid stained glass windows and mosaics. All sites are staffed with knowledgeable docents.
Tuesday through Sunday 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mondays, Basilica only is open, 10- 4:30 Closed major holidays.
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