Last updated: 11/4/2013
100 North Calvert St
Baltimore, MD 21202
Clarence M Mitchell Jr Courthouse
100 North Calvert St Room 243
Baltimore, MD 21202
Bill Dunn
phone: 410-396-3394
Founded on October 24, 1984 by Chief Judge James F. Schneider, U.S. Bankruptcy Court for Maryland, and Philip Sherman, Chair of the MSBA Senior Lawyers Section, the museum is filled with historical artifacts of Baltimore’s Bench and Bar. Managed by the nonprofit Baltimore Courthouse and Law Museum Foundation, Inc., the museum features a self-guided walk-through tour.
Museum highlights include a copper jury wheel, used for the selection of jurors in Baltimore City through the 1960s, as well as displays outlining the history of Baltimore City courthouses, judges of the Supreme Bench and pioneering women and minorities of the Baltimore Bench and Bar. Other points of interest include The British Surrender at Yorktown, a mural commissioned in 1907 to world-renowned French muralist Jean-Paul Laurens, and an Ephraim Willard Tall Case Clock, a Baltimore Orphans Court fixture since at least 1810.
It has been called “a treasure within a treasure” and “one of the most beautiful courtrooms in Maryland”.
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