Last updated: 2/19/2012
601 President St
Baltimore, MD 21202
Baltimore Civil War Museum presenting Baltimore & Maryland Civil War History, History of the Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad, builder of President Street Station & use of PWBRR by Underground Railroad
To preserve for all time the Historic President St Sta as a Museum to preserve and tell the stories that made the building historically significant.
Building built 1849-50 by P.W.B.R.R.
Friends organized in 1987 to save City owned derelict building. City rehabbed buiding & opened Museum in 1997 under B&O R.R. Museum, indepedent, MdHS til 2007, Friends of President Street Station operators now.
Some Civil War & Railroad items on loan fron the Friends, Friends members & other individuals.
Friends of President Street Station
Access: Staff Only
Appointment required: False
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