The museum includes a year-round exhibit that includes “examples of fine marble and shows the history of marble mining in Pickens County. Many stone cutters and other workers who migrated from either Italy or Scotland in the early years of the industry settled in Nelson to work in the area’s marble industry. Today the Great Northern Railroad operates between Tate, Georgia, and the CSX interchange at Elizabeth (Marietta) five days a week. The Georgia Marble rail lines at Tate and Marble Hill, and the Blue Ridge Scenic Railroad at Blue Ridge, Georgia are also operated by GNRR. Their web site also states the the “GNRR runs through a Georgia Marble facility that no is no longer served by rail” at Nelson.
Information source is From Wikipedia
Don't miss the ONLY TIME OF YEAR opportunity DURING THE GEORGIA MARBLE FESTIVAL in early October to take a guided tour of the world's largest open pit marble quarry at Polycor Georgia Marble Company's Tate operation. This is the only time of the year the quarries are open to the public! This year we are offering 2 tours. The Red Tour consist of Polycor Georgia Marble, Imery's and Huber all of which our operating quarries. The Blue Tour also includes Polycor Georgia Marble, the Marble Museum, and Blue Ridge Marble & Granite Company. On the Blue tour you will see the mine, then a museum that shows old tools, and the history of the marble, then where marble is cut and carved. The tours are $10 for Adults, $7 for Kids, and Under 5 are Free (this includes your admission to the festival) and are sold on a first come, first-served basis. It is suggested that you make reservations as the tours will sell out.
The Georgia Marble Festival was started to celebrate the history of Georgia Marble. The beginning of the crisp autumn weather in the North Georgia mountains signals that the festivities are about to begin. Sponsored by the Pickens County Chamber of Commerce, the two-day event is attended by thousands of people from all over the southeast.