Last updated: 8/13/2010
81 West Main Street
Buckhannon, WV 26201
P.O. Box 2082
Buckhannon, WV 26201
Noel W. Tenney
phone: 304-472-2738
Located at 81 West Main Street, the History Center is open between early June and the end of September, 2008, Sunday afternoons, 1-4pm. Each summer we have many returning visitors and some who are visiting for the very first time. We still have too many people who tell us that they want to make a visit but put it off until the exhibit closes. Make a note on your calendar to visit the exhibit this summer.
The Summer 2007 Exhibit was great success and was entitled “From Dawn Until Dusk: Farming, Agriculture, and Rural Life in Upshur County. Early 20th century farm life was the central theme in the exhibit with sidebar stories of 4-H, Farm Women's Clubs, Farmer Institutes, the Country Life Conference Movement, the Farm Bureau, FFA, farm related industries including the creameries, dairies, stockyards, and much more.
Located at 29 West Main Street, the Repository is open to the general public, year round, on Tuesday evenings from 6-8pm. Each week we welcome many individuals who are working on family research, have a local history question, need to purchase our various publications, or just stop in to donate some important historic document or artifact for the ever growing collection that we house there
Access: General Public
Appointment required: False
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