Last updated: 11/25/2015
612 W. Foxwood Drive
Raymore, MO 64083
PO Box 1483
Raymore, MO 64083
Our purpose, according to our constitution, "is to bring together those people interested in the history of Raymore, Missouri and the surrounding area. The society's major function is to research, collect, and preserve any and all material which may help to establish or illustrate the history of the area. (The Society) will collect materials illustrative of life conditions, events, and activities of the past and the present. The Society will provide for the preservation of such material and for its accessibility, as far as may be feasible, to all who wish to examine or study it
The Historical Society Museum is located on the lower level of the Cullen funeral home on 58 highway; entrance is in the rear of the building.
Founded in 1994.
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars, Members
Appointment required: True
Group tours may be arranged by contacting the Society at 816-322-0144.
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