Last updated: 8/2/2023
544 Cultural Park Blvd.
Cape Coral, FL 33990
Wednesday - Friday
11 AM - 4 PM
$5.00 per person
Students/Under 18 FREE
Wendy Schroder
Janel Trull
The museum and historical society collects, preserves and displays items relating to the history of Cape Coral. Come learn about the pioneer families that worked the land, the era of the Rosen brothers and their Gulf American Corporation when Cape Coral and its vast canal system were built, and learn about the beginnings of the city of Cape Coral which was incorporated in 1970. Come inside and find out what makes this city so unique!
A community museum dedicated to preserving, sharing, and displaying the unique history of Cape Coral for future generations.
The Cape Coral Historical Museum opened in 1987 when the Cape Coral Historical Society successfully moved a Historic Building from the first Golf Course in Cape Coral to where the museum lives now, Cultural Park. By 2008 the Historic Building was joined by two more beautiful exhibit buildings.
Non Profit 501c-3 Organization
Gift Shop
Event Rental
Group Tours
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