301 S Bynum
Lone Jack, MO 64070
P.O. Box 34
Lone Jack, MO 64070
Alinda M. Miller
phone: 816-805-1815
This site represents the impact of the Civil War on this nation's citizens as it exemplifies the national conflict as well as the deprivations and terror civilians in the Border Counties endured as renegade bands of guerillas and irregular Union troops preyed on them from 1854, when the Border War started and continued throughout the war years. The constant threat from the numerous skirmishes, the spying of neighbor against neighbor, the irregular practices of draft enforcement and the depravations of the war set a true example of the war of brother against brother. This battle is indicative of the fratricidal nature of the Civil War in Missouri.
The Museum was opened in 1963 with the assistance of President Harry S. Truman, who would come to the Lone Jack Civil War veteran's reunion and picnic with his parents & grandparents as a child.
The Museum is a round structure made of native stone and sits on 3 acres of the core battlefield. Also on the battlefield is the cemetery where the soldiers are buried.
The Battlefield Park is managed by the Friends of Historic Lone Jack in cooperation with the City of Lone Jack and Jackson County Parks and Recreation.
The museum houses artifacts from the battlefield, artifacts from the Border War, general Civil War artifacts, as well as personal items from the town's early residents.
We host Missour History Days for the Kansas City area 4th & 8th graders. They spend the day at the Battlefield learning about Missouri history from hands on demonstrations and/or instruction from period artisians.
Special tours are available upon request.
Our Speakers Bureau also offers special programs on a number of history topics relating to the Civil War, to organizations, schools, etc.
Managed by the Friends of Historic Lone Jack in cooperation with the City of Lone Jack & Jackson County Parks & Recreation.
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