Last updated: 6/25/2014
124 S. Walnut Street
Cynthiana, KY 41031
P.O. Box 411
Cynthiana, KY 41031
Kenny Simpson
phone: 859-234-4581
Mary Grable
phone: 859-234-6541
Bob Grable
phone: 859-234-6541
Dorothy Slade
phone: 859-234-5835
Randall Boyers
phone: 859-234-2474
Variety of artifacts that make a statement as to the life of the local community.
Our community's Historical museum offering displays of educational, military, agriculture, industry, religion, medical, models, and many other subjects relating to Cynthiana and Harrison County.
To preserve and share the history of Cynthiana & Harrison Co.
Established in 1994
Cynthiana-Harrison County Trust, Inc.
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