Last updated: 8/3/2010
95 South Main
Eureka Springs, AR 72632
Ginni Miller
Cynthia Morin
phone: 479-244-6585
The museum houses a variety of permanent and changing exhibits, preserving the history and art of this health resort town and its people starting with its early settlers in the 1880s who came seeking the healing waters and the early artists who built the early 20th century arts colony. From the exhibits you will discover how “this chaotic tent city of 10,000 souls exploded into a Victorian Health Spa with 54 luxurious hotels”. A vast amount of archival documents, photos, maps etc are available for researchers and historians interested in the Ozarks.
In 1971 the Ozark Folk Festival Board of Directors purchased the historic Calif House for the purpose of establishing a museum of local history. A museum advisory board accepted the task to collect, preserve and exhibit artifacts in the building, and the museum opened to the public October, 1971.
In 1980, Eureka Springs Historical Museum, Inc., an association open to membership to all interested persons, assumed ownership of the museum property and oversight of its operation. The wood and glass store front and two-story ornamented wood porches were replaced as the building was restored to its original appearance.
The facility has recently become a Visitors Center for tourists in the area.
Collections include Sophia's Parlor, Cora's Cabin (hands-on pioneer artifacts), fire engine memorabilia, quilt exhibit, water and healing springs exhibit, early Ozarks and Eureka Springs artists and WPA regional artists works.
Writings, documents, newspapers, periodicals, books, journals, maps, artistic representations, and the like, which shed light on the history of the region.
Docent-led group tours, student tours, lectures, hands-on tours, speaker presentations and lectures.
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars
Appointment required: False
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