Last updated: 7/16/2014
322 South Second Street
Rogers, AR 72756
John Burroughs
Richard Calloway
Patricia Campbell
Sharon K Clark-Will
Monte Harris
Jami Rousey
Robert Rousey
Ashley Sayers
Jennife Sweet
Terrilyn Wendling
Real objects from our past. True stories about our community and its people. Family fun and life-long learning. That's what people of all ages discover at the Rogers Historical Museum.
The museum serves Rogers and all of Northwest Arkansas, a rapidly growing metropolitan area that shares a rich natural and cultural heritage, a vibrant entrepreneurial spirit, and an increasingly diverse population. The museum's mission is to enrich lives through education, experience, and exploration of our heritage.
The museum collects and preserves artifacts, archival materials, and research materials which document the history and cultural heritage of Rogers and Benton County. Exhibitions, programs, publications, and web-based resources foster an appreciation of our region's heritage. Family-friendly exhibitions and programs allow people of all ages to engage the past, imagine the future, and find joy in learning, while loan exhibitions and related programs broaden the cultural horizons of area residents and help place our region's natural and cultural heritage in a broader context.
The museum is planning for a major expansion that will position the Rogers Historical Museum as the premier history museum in Northwest Arkansas, with collection facilities, exhibitions, and programs on a par with those of history museums in even larger metropolitan areas. But as the museum grows it will remain an accessible, inclusive, family-friendly institution, responsive to the changing needs of the community and the varied interests of patrons.
The museum was founded in 1975 as the City of Rogers' Bicentennial project. In 1980 the museum moved from its original location to the 1895 Hawkins House. Much of the collection was placed in storage while funds were raised for a building expansion connected to the historic house, which was completed in 1987. In 1995 the museum expanded into the former public library across the street; that building is used for education offices and programs and for collections storage. Over the years the museum has received many awards for its exhibits and programming. But the most meaningful recognition of all was its accreditation by the American Association of Museums in 1999. Subsequent accreditation was granted in 2010. The museum is currently planning for a major expansion project.
The museum's collections include about 40,000 items. Major holdings include: photographs and archival material; household items; quilts, clothing, and other textiles; tools; and items relating to local businesses.
The Museum has a small research library with vertical files, books on local history and family history, census and cemetery records, maps, periodicals, and copies of images from the Museum's collection.
The museum offers in-house and outreach school programs and has a variety of discovery boxes and other loan materials available to teachers and homeschool parents free of charge. For the general public the museum offers adult programs and family days free of charge, as well as step-on guide services for tour groups for a modest fee.
A department of the City of Rogers, governed by the Museum Commission
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars, Members
Appointment required: False
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