Last updated: 3/21/2011
211 Main Street
West Orange, NJ 07052
Thomas Edison National Historical Park is comprised of the Laboratory Complex and his home, the Glenmont Estate.
Our mission is to promote an international understanding and appreciation of the life and extraordinary achievements of Thomas Alva Edison by preserving, protecting, and interpreting the park's extensive historic artifact and archive collections at the Laboratory Complex and Glenmont, the Edison family estate.
The National Park Service preserves approximately 28,000 disc phonograph records, 11,000 cylinder phonograph records, and 9800 disc metal molds at Thomas Edison National Historical Park.
Over 100 digitized recordings from the archive can be heard in MP3 format from the Edison Sound Recordings page of the Thomas Edison NHP website. A much larger number of recordings from the Thomas Edison NHP archive are available via the "Thomas Edison's Attic" radio program website.
Want to learn more about Thomas Edison? Do you need to write a paper about Thomas Edison or one of his inventions? You've come to the right spot! Check out the information about Thomas Edison and his inventions below. Still can't find what you are looking for? You can contact a Park Ranger and ask them your question.
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