Last updated: 8/15/2012
1 Museum Lane
Oxford, NC 27565
P.O. Box 1433
Oxford, NC 27565
Wednesday - Friday | 10:00 am - 4:00 pm |
Saturday | 11:00 am - 3:00 pm |
Free admission, donations welcomed
Pam Thornton
phone: 919-693-9706
We are operating two museums with adjacent locations. The Granville History Museum features a permanent exhibit of the history of this county. The Harris Exhibit Hall has changing exhibits every 3 - 6 months varying in topics with a focus on science, history and the arts. Parking for both facilities is at the Harris Hall, 1 Museum Lane, Oxford, N.C.
To educate, entertain and promote the history of the county and other subjects related to science, history, and the arts.
Established museum in 1996. Opened additonal museum in Harris Exhibit Hall 2000. Reopened History Museum in 2006.
County related artifacts and other source artifacts that are exhibit-oriented.
Historical Granville County Photos: Harris Hall Expansion Campaign. Learn more about the The Harris Hall Expansion Campaign by visiting our website and click on the Expansion picture.
Non profit
administered by the Granville County Historical Society.
Our gift shop offers shoppers (young and old!) a variety of items including Granville County books, flag, ornaments, hats and shirts. Also we have a great assortment of children's toys and games starting at the mere price of 15 cents.
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