Last updated: 2/7/2012
1515 Hermann Dr.
Houston, TX 77004
Take a larger-than-life walking tour of the Amazing Body Pavilion to get an up-close look at the human body and how it works. Ride a bicycle with a skeleton, find out how hard your heart works to pump blood and sit on giant teeth!
Experience science in 4D at the McGovern 4D Theater and see our newest 3D film, Planet You. Journey into a world you've never seen least quite like this! Take a 3D microscopic adventure into the alien landscape of your own skin and find out all about the creepy, crawly things that live on us!
Explore your physical, mental and future selves at You: The Exhibit. Identify your personality, view your internal organs, see what you will look like in 30 years and much more!
Gift Shop
Event Rental
Group Tours
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