Last updated: 12/26/2011
124 East Commerce St.
Milford, MI 48381
Marlene Gomez
phone: 248-685-7308
A museum dedicated to collecting, preserving and sharing the history of the Milford, Michigan area.
This 1853 Greek revival structure which houses the Milford Historical Society Museum was built by local cabinet maker John Wood. Through the years it served as home to Edwin Hubbell, a local merchant, and later his son, Frank “Trader” Hubbell. Dr. Weisbrod also had his home and office located here. Much local activity centered on this building when it contained the offices for Milford Village, Milford Township and the Police Department.
The upper floor of the museum is furnished as a home of the late Victorian era might have been. Many of the furnishings are items that were manufactured in Milford.
The formal parlor and dining room depict the more gracious aspects of life. The kitchen, with its period gadgets, and the bedroom, with its rope bed, straw tick, and “thunder-mug” remind visitors of the more primitive conditions of the era. A toy room delights children of all ages.
The latchstring is always out at this depiction of the Job G. Bigelow cabin built in the south end of Milford Township in 1833. The rough structure required constant chinking and the fireplace was the only source of heat. Still Mrs. Bigelow managed to start the first school for area children in her home. The cabin brings to life Milford’s pioneer days of hard work and hope.
We are organized exclusively for educational purposes. We bring together people who are interested in history, especially the history of the village of Milford & Milford Township.
History of the Township and Village of Milford from it's founding in 1832 to the present.
Many different collections are n display - native American artifacts, early settler tools, early American toys, furniture and clothing.
Microfilm library of back issues of the Milford Times newspaper dating back to the mid-1800's
The museum is operated by the Milford Historical Society. There is a Museum board with a Museum Director and Assistant Director.
Access: Staff Only
Appointment required: True
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