Last updated: 4/5/2012
1606 Main St, Hwy 19
Baker, LA 70714
PO Box 707
Baker, LA 70704
Jean Byers
phone: 225-774-1776
Bertie Thomas
phone: 225-774-1776
Richard Kilpatrick
phone: 225-774-1776
Kerry Gerald
phone: 225-774-1776
Would you care for a glass of lemonade and a little conversation? A visit to our small town and its museum is something like a visit to your Grandmother's home and her home town. The atmosphere is friendly and comfortable. Enjoy the porch swing. Step inside the front door and it's a little like entering a time machine, like traveling back 100 year to a simpler time. A time of one room schools, the country store, the kitchen garden. Sit in the shade of the big tree and wait for the afternoon train to pass. You can almost forget that the world is passing by at 45 mph on a five lane state highway. You can almost hear the birds chirping, the clinking of the blacksmith's hammer on his anvil. Drop in, sit a while, have a glass of lemonade. And remember.
An American Bicentennial commemorative project, the museum is housed in a restored Victorian cottage, complimented by period furnishings and surrounded by several out buildings that depict life in the early part of the twentieth century.
Period furnishings; china; toys; maps, documents, books; rural life artifacts.
Exhibitions and displays are corelated to curriculum guidelines and educational standards; we offer gallery tours and lectures; classes; teacher resource information and materials; speaker's bureau; collection of traveling exhibit boxes available to use in classroom or library. No fees.
Municipally owned and operated
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