Last updated: 3/23/2011
139 Saint-Gaudens Road
Cornish, NH 03745
Saint-Gaudens NHS
139 Saint-Gaudens Road
Cornish, NH 03745
Memorial Day weekend to late October.
$5.00 for adults age 16 and over, children are free.
The studios, home and gardens of the sculptor, Augustus Saint-Gaudens (1848-1907). Over 100 of Saint-Gaudens' artworks are axhibited in the galleries and on the grounds.
The summer home and studio of Augustus Saint-Gaudens from 1885-1897, and his full time residence and studio from 1900-1907. Opened as a museum and historic site in 1927. Given to the National Park Service 1n 1964.
Sculpture by Augustus Saint-Gaudens (1848-1907). Artifacts associated with Augustus Saint-Gaudens and artists of the Cornish Colony.
Focused school tours. Available lesson plans relating to the site, sculpture, and historical topics such as the Gilded Age and the Civil War.
Access: Scholars, Staff Only
Appointment required: True
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